![Image result for november](https://do9f0cpkv689t.cloudfront.net/SFImage/Images/-november.jpg)
Phew! October came and went and now we are in November. Where has the time gone? I had so much going on in the month of October that before I realized we were carving pumpkins. Which means it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and shopping.
The kids are already getting their Christmas lists together because we have already received about two or three toy booklets in the mail. One from Amazon, one from Best Buy, and another from Costco. Yes, you guessed it! Advertisements for annual black Friday sales have already began. Which means, get ready to empty your pockets and piggy banks, just kidding. We will talk more about this in later blogs.
Every year it seems as though stores are starting their sales earlier and hosting Thanksgiving dinner can get a little overwhelming. However, the Holidays do not have to be stressful or expensive, if everyone in the family pitches in. Just remember there are many tips on the internet on how to successfully host Thanksgiving dinner, get organized, and how to have fun while hosting.
Whether its your first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner or now part of your yearly family tradition, it is always a great idea to start planning for the evening in the beginning of the month. Just like my children starting their Christmas list a month early, starting with a check list of items needed for the holiday and buying some non-perishable foods can help alleviate some stress.
Check out this Life in the Kitchen blog found called "12 Essentials to Know When Hosting Thanksgiving For the First Time." https://www.thekitchn.com/12-essentials-to-know-before-hosting-thanksgiving-for-the-first-time-reader-intelligence-report-212661
Every year it seems as though stores are starting their sales earlier and hosting Thanksgiving dinner can get a little overwhelming. However, the Holidays do not have to be stressful or expensive, if everyone in the family pitches in. Just remember there are many tips on the internet on how to successfully host Thanksgiving dinner, get organized, and how to have fun while hosting.
Whether its your first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner or now part of your yearly family tradition, it is always a great idea to start planning for the evening in the beginning of the month. Just like my children starting their Christmas list a month early, starting with a check list of items needed for the holiday and buying some non-perishable foods can help alleviate some stress.
Check out this Life in the Kitchen blog found called "12 Essentials to Know When Hosting Thanksgiving For the First Time." https://www.thekitchn.com/12-essentials-to-know-before-hosting-thanksgiving-for-the-first-time-reader-intelligence-report-212661
I heavily rely on Pinterest for my holiday cooking, DIY gifting and ways to save money on the Holidays! I really loved that you included The link to "12 Essentials to Know When Hosting Thanksgiving For the first Time."! I'm going to be checking that out because just like everyone else I have A LOT of family and friends that come over for dinner!