Sunday, November 10, 2019

Entry#6: Black Friday Shopping

Image result for black friday shopping clip art The holiday madness has begun. There is 18 days left until Thanksgiving and 18 days for Black Friday (Thursday) sales. Every year my husband and I say we will not be caught up in all the fuss with the new sales, but we cannot help it. Especially when our kids already gave us their Christmas list and every year, we tell the kids that we leave Thanksgiving festivities early because we go to the north pole. We actually go shopping while they stay with grandparents playing board games. However, this year with a sixteen-year-old and an eleven-year-old we will need to be more cleaver.

Usually the sales consist of Thursday and Friday sales, some stores call these sales “Doorbusters”.  This year most stores including Target, Walmart, and Best Buy will start their sales at 5pm Thanksgiving Day. I know! Talk about interrupting family time. However, I plan on completing most of my Christmas shopping so my kids will be fine without us for a couple of hours.

Some adds are already posted online, click on the following link to check them out:

If you are planning on part taking in this eventful activity, I suggest having a game plan. Below is game plan my husband and follow every year for the past 13 years.
  • First step is look through the store ads and select the items you would like to purchase.
    • Sometimes you might have multiple store ads you want to purchase items from.
  • Second step is to gather your crew or squad (what kids are calling it nowadays) and decide which stores you will need to go to first based on items, time sales start, and locations on GPS. 
    • Your team can consist of siblings, in-laws, cousins, friends, older niece and nephews.
  • Third step is to decide roles for everyone on the team (I know we do not play 😊).
    • One team will oversee video games, another electronics, another toys, and another some sorts of clothing for the kids. Someone on the team may want a big screen TV (there is always someone every year) that person will be responsible for getting their own TV. 
  • Fourth step is to regroup to review everyone understands their own responsibilities.
  • Fifth step is on that night if another sale does not start until 12am or 5am on Friday, come back home to recharge and nap if needed.
If  you do not plan on going shopping and decide to wait until Friday morning, remember to look through the return carts because chances are someone decided not to purchase something while in line. I see it all the time, and with that we wish you "Happy Shopping"! 

Entry#5: Ducey's Educating Arizona Goal

Governor Dough Ducey’s new goal initiative "Achieve60AZ" is proposed to encourage working aged adults in Arizona to attend college, by increasing the amount of college graduates from 42% to 60% by 2023. Governor Ducey plans on achieving this goal by working with employers to identify skills needed for job duties, encouraging high school graduates to continue education because a high school diploma for most companies will no longer suffice, and by staggering achievement gaps in low income families. 

As a current aged working Arizonan and head of house hold working towards achieving a college degree, "Arizona60AZ” is an initiative needed to encourage other employees to follow a successful career path. As a middle class employee, I am concerned that the funds for this program where not disclosed and according to this initiative the goal is to address achievement gabs that exist with low income families. How will this initiative apply to other working Arizona's trying to further their education? Governor Ducey failed to disclose this information and its concerning that taxes will raise in Arizona for the middle class to support the funds for this new goal.

As a student I feel that having the support from the governor is a tremendous opportunity to be successful in college, especially with the already approved $38 million for universities.  

Achieve60AZ: By the numbers


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Entry#4- What's up in November

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Phew! October came and went and now we are in November. Where has the time gone? I had so much going on in the month of October that before I realized we were carving pumpkins. Which means it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and shopping. 

The kids are already getting their Christmas lists together because we have already received about two or three toy booklets in the mail. One from Amazon, one from Best Buy, and another from Costco. Yes, you guessed it! Advertisements for annual black Friday sales have already began. Which means, get ready to empty your pockets and piggy banks, just kidding. We will talk more about this in later blogs.

Every year it seems as though stores are starting their sales earlier and hosting Thanksgiving dinner can get a little overwhelming. However, the Holidays do not have to be stressful or expensive, if everyone in the family pitches in. Just remember there are many tips on the internet on how to successfully host Thanksgiving dinner, get organized, and how to have fun while hosting.

Whether its your first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner or now part of your yearly family tradition, it is always a great idea to start planning for the evening in the beginning of the month. Just like my children starting their Christmas list a month early, starting with a check list of items needed for the holiday and buying some non-perishable foods can help alleviate some stress.

Check out this Life in the Kitchen blog found called "12 Essentials to Know When Hosting Thanksgiving For the First Time."

Entry#3: News networks

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News broadcast tend to focus its viewers attention on one particular subject and distract viewers from other suppressing news. Last week fox news focused on the fires in California. Do not misunderstand my blog, I am not saying that informing the public on this tragic event in California is not important, but does the media need to focus almost all morning news on this one subject, when there are many other tragedies, horrific events around the world, and changes in Washington occurring within congress the road to presidential impeachment. 

According to a recent article published in opinions by Andy Puzder from fox news, experts keep getting the end of "Trump recession" wrong and instead the economic expansion will continue to grow well over years to come. The report also states that over the past two months jobs have increased with about 128,000 jobs confirmed by Bureau of Labor in October. Shortly after Puzder indicates on his report that democrats are still pursing impeachment, even though President Trump has done nothing wrong. For the everyday reader this article may seem as though it is focused on the economic changes and unemployment rates, but it actually focuses on proving that Trump has made all these changes to the economy and Democrats are focused on pursuing impeachment. I would not consider this article to be a credible source do to the fact that it is obvious this author is bias and in favor of President Trump.