Monday, October 21, 2019

About me :)

Image result for guatemala

Hola! My name is Lubia Arriaza, I was born in beautiful country called Guatemala. I came to this country when I was eight years old. That is when I met my parents for the first time. They had left me with my grandmother since I was one year of age and I was coming to a different country with complete strangers! I know talk about major therapy sessions, right?! 

I am 32 years old and I am a mother of three amazing children ages four, eleven, and sixteen. Yes! I know, I have a sixteen year old. She will attend GCC next year as a dual student.  

Image result for busy mom memeMy hobbies include watching movies with my family and sleeping. Yes! sleeping is a hobby :) I think as a mother your hobbies became your kids interest and hobbies. However, I have learned to incorporate my interests with theirs. 

My focus of this blog is to include as much of my personality as possible and allowed within the writing assignments.   

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